A hub of curriculum development, student work and educational questing... // @katrinakennett // kennett@illinois.edu // Katrina Kennett
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Monday, June 16, 2014
Chancellor's Academy 2014 - Keynote
I was fortunate enough to present for the Chancellor's Academy - I talked about how intentional curriculum design can open up opportunities for student ownership of their own learning.
Here are some of the tweets from today - so many amazing people I was able to talk to!
Here are some of the tweets from today - so many amazing people I was able to talk to!
#CU2014CA @katrinakennett talks about S work mattering to them. So important!
— David Requa (@drequa) June 16, 2014
@katrinakennett intentional metaphor #cu2014ca pic.twitter.com/UjzO2R8hPo
— Suzanne Linder (@linderkong) June 16, 2014
Orange triangles are points of student choice @katrinakennett #cu2014ca pic.twitter.com/Ff3Ag9UOOC
— Suzanne Linder (@linderkong) June 16, 2014
@katrinakennett Thank you for including metacognition as a key piece of curriculum design! #CU2014CA
— Donald Owen (@dowendo) June 16, 2014
@linderkong @katrinakennett - I like how the house can take many shapes! #CU2014CA
— Matt Sly (@masly1) June 16, 2014
@katrinakennett "Technologies as a social process to accomplish goals." #CU2014CA
— Matt Sly (@masly1) June 16, 2014