
Dystopian Literature

Welcome to Dystopian Literature!

On this page, you'll find:
- Introductory Texts
- Anchor Texts
- my 'Pearltrees' of resources for the anchor texts (equivalent to an annotated bibliography) 
- short stories we'll read in class
- curriculum and assignments sheet
- day to day schedule
- EdCafe schedule from Term 1
- literary analysis rubric (for your papers)
- Ms. Kennett's Dystopian Lit Recs for Choice Books
- Term 4 Overview
- Collected Works document for digital submission of assignments 
- ideas for final dystopian lit project (due at end of Term 2) 
- EdCafe Document for January 7 / 11 
- Final Projects Website


Introduction Texts
         Introduction to Brave New Worlds - John Joseph Adams
         Dystopias: Definitions and Characteristics -
         The Future Sucks - A Visitor's Guide to a Dystopia - Maria Kramer
         Forward to Amusing Ourselves to Death - Neil Postman

Anchor Texts
         Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
         1984 by George Orwell
         The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

Dystopian Literature in katrinakennett (katrinakennett)

Short Stories: 
'Harrison Bergeron' by Kurt Vonnegut
'The Machine Stops' by E.M. Forester
'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson 'Red Card' by S. L. Giblow
'Ten with a Flag' by Joseph Paul Haines 'Civilization' by Vylar Kaftan
'The Pedestrian' by Ray Bradbury
excerpt from 'Of a Sweet Slow Dance in the Wake of Temporary Dogs' by Adam-Troy Castro
Further Reading - Brave New Worlds: Dystopian Short Stories edited by John Joseph Adams
Day to Day Schedule Dystopian Lit - EdCafe Schedule Analytical Paper Rubric

Ms. Kennett's Dystopian Lit Recs

0 of 5 stars true
tagged: to-read and dystopian-lit
The Giver
5 of 5 stars true
tagged: dystopian-lit, a-rainy-afternoon, and cornerstones
Fahrenheit 451
5 of 5 stars true
tagged: dystopian-lit and cornerstones
Brave New World
5 of 5 stars true
tagged: dystopian-lit and cornerstones
4 of 5 stars true
tagged: dystopian-lit
V for Vendetta
0 of 5 stars true
tagged: to-read and dystopian-lit
The Road
0 of 5 stars true
tagged: dystopian-lit and read-the-book-first
Animal Farm
5 of 5 stars true
tagged: dystopian-lit
The Long Walk
0 of 5 stars true
tagged: dystopian-lit and to-read
Player Piano
0 of 5 stars true
tagged: to-read and dystopian-lit
Term 4 Overview
Final Project Ideas Create your Own: EdCafes

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