
About Me & Contact Info

Twitter: @katrinakennett
Current Website:

What I do: 
- study for my PhD in Literacy and Language in Curriculum & Instruction, with a specialization in Writing Studies at the University of Illinios Urbana-Champaign
- represent the Education Resources Consortium as their Consulting Practitioner
- speak at conferences and workshops and blog
- read, read, read
- travel near and far

What I've done:
- taught 10th and 12th grade at Plymouth South High School in Plymouth, MA for four years
- attended San Diego State University for my Masters in K-12 ELA Literacy
- completed an Americorps *VISTA year in Chinatown, Boston at the Kwong Kow Chinese School
- graduated magna cum laude from Connecticut College in 2008 with my BA in English and a CT Certificate of Education (also am certificatied in NH and MA)
- studied Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama at Worcester College, Oxford University

What I want to do:
- earn my PhD
- earn my black belt
- tell stories well
- change education